Children of Another Star
by Jo Rhett on Jul.12, 2012, under Publications
Children of Another Star is a story I first conceived of in late 2008, but got lost on just how it ended. It all came clear to me in July of 2009 while I was visiting a friend’s parents in Reno, and I stayed up until dawn writing it all down.
The story involves an irish settlement ship that arrives at their destination planet to find it has since been inhabited. The settlers have some unexpected cargo on their ship, and the story evolves as we learn more.
This story originally showed a lot of my early-writer mistakes, and has undergone a lot of revisions before I finished it. The success of my changes was borne out with an Honorable Mention in the Writers of the Future contest in Q1 2012.
I currently have the story submitted to a market. I’ll post more soon about where you can read it.
All entries, chronologically...